Start Where You Are
Here’s a little video that showcases one of the programs I created to journey with under-resourced children and youth in Singapore. Our work was honoured by Singapore’s President in 2018.
Something I’ve lived by is doing what I can, with what I have, right where I am. It’s led me through some wonderful experiences - but believe me when I say that there have been some not-so-instagrammable moments to navigate as well!
I founded an award-winning, globally recognised non-profit as a teenager, I’ve been a Nike Ambassador, I’ve met and mingled amongst influential business leaders and politicians - sharing stories from the ground and influencing initiatives, I’ve been named one out of 115 ‘most inspiring global community leaders’ by Facebook, I’ve had my own radio show…
And I’ve never really ever felt ‘ready’.
The not-so-secret-secret? That the dreams in your head, the feeling on your heart that you were meant for a life of purpose…you can have it by starting where you are.
Does this sound familiar?
What thoughts, ideas, journaling and emotions are you experiencing right this very moment?
💭“I’ve got this big dream of mine and this idea - I don’t really know where to start and it’s been 8 years since I’ve done anything to make it a reality.”
🖥️“I know that what I do and how I show up in the world is of value. But my website and everything I do ‘externally’ to share about what I do is just not me and to be honest, it’s embarrassing!”
🙋“I’ve been told by some of my clients and even well-meaning friends that I need to get myself out there, otherwise the world won’t know I even exist. But I feel really fake and it takes so much energy to think about what I would do, what I would share, how could I say it? Ugh, it’s so not me!”
😵“I’m a tech dinosaur. I just want to focus on what I do best already!”
😣“I’m not too sure what my purpose is, but I do know that I need to carve out some time to figure it out - and I feel like I’m wasting my life in some way.”
🔥“I feel overwhelmed and exhausted - I’ve been burnt out too many times. I feel like I’m not pushing myself hard enough sometimes and that I’m doing everything!”
😖“I feel like I’m not myself lately. Maybe I’m jaded? I used to be so passionate about what I was doing and then over time, it’s just become draining!”
💕“Self-care? I don’t have time for myself. And if I do, I feel guilty doing something for myself.”
🙇“But I feel that there are so many other people who are already doing what I want to do - they’re talking talking about it and they’re amazing at what they do. The impostor syndrome in me is just telling me I should sit down.”
🤷“I don’t know what I don’t know!”
That’s why we need community.
You. Me. Us.
It can feel so overwhelming, isolating and frustrating when we run around in circles - on our own. There is nobody to lean on for support. Nobody who can share best practices, lived experience or resources that could save time and costly mistakes! There is no understanding for the work we want to share with the world.
But in community, we can hold space for each other. We can overcome our self-doubt and see what we do from a fresh perspective, perhaps something we’ve never thought of before.
It is my belief that there is limitless potential and power when we go together; in community. We are able to show up fully as ourselves - both with the messy imperfections and the joyful light we share. We’re able to glean unique wisdom ‘from the room’ when we take a deep breath and take a few steps back to slow down long enough to listen to what people have to share. And knowing that this community is going to cheerlead you on on your worst days and celebrate and share room for improvement along the way - all with love and kindness.
It’s all about providing the safe space where you can experiment, play with purpose, get your first few steps in towards transformation and have support as a whole human being.
It’s all about deep and meaningful connections, inspiring work and building (this community) together.
What is the ‘Start Where You Are’ Community About?
The ‘Start Where You Are’ community is a 6-month interactive group learning, doing and journeying program that helps heart-centred, mission and purpose driven, community leaders to own their superpowers to change the world - and not sacrifice all the others parts of their life.
If you’re a self-starter wondering if you’ll be forever alone in navigating all the ins and outs - Start Where You Are will inspire, encourage and cheerlead you to your next level of growth - personally and in your business!
This program process is all about bringing you back to your reason of being (your why!) and connecting you with your heart in order to step into your vision for business and life.
Community ✨ Connection ✨ Strategy ✨ Coaching ✨
These are the core pillars for how we can move forward into our authenticity and a life full of joy and purpose!
And that’s what we’ll be able to co-create together in this cozy and intimate group experience.
Start where you are is hosted by me - Emily Teng.
I'm a community leader and builder, passionate about being your biggest cheer-leader.
I’ll be your biggest cheer-leader - encouraging you to see what was there all along and how we can play with purpose. Because this is your time to shine. To light up the world in a way that only you can.
So no matter where you might find yourself right now in your journey, no matter how you’re feeling about yourself or the meaningful work you’re serving the world with - come as you are and we’ll start where we are.
*** Credibility anchors go here*
The Experience
For 6 months, you’ll belong to a small group of 15 inspiring, courageous and authentic dreamers, change-makers and creatives. Together, they will be committed to your mutual success, sharing your values of leadership, service and purpose. There will be opportunities to give as much as there are opportunities to receive the support needed to overcome where you feel ‘stuck’ and to have what you need to take imperfect, inspired action.
From your brand experience to collaborative partnerships to your content marketing, you’ll create a plan to complete your project(s), grow a community that engages with you (and with one another), and so much more. We will discuss ways to align your vision with practices that consider the painful systems our businesses live in such as capitalism, conditioning of our identities, etc.
Imagine having twelve new collaborators to vision with, grow with and brainstorm with. You’ll share ideas, exchange business strategies and experiences, laugh, inspire and motivate one another!
When all parts of you are held in high regard, clarity and focus in your business and life will come to light. Integrating who you are from deep within along with your creative vision and business in an intentional way will drastically reduce those feelings of overwhelm, self-doubt and burnout. To freedom and self-trust!